Drumroll please…..!!!!!!
The kitchen is DONE….well, about 95% done. But DONE enough to take you on a tour 🙂
If you’re just joining me, you can read older posts here and here and here for more before pictures and the back story.
Get ready for 47 pictures 🙂 I’ve added the resource list at end of this post.
If you forgot what the kitchen looked like BEFORE, here’s a refresher…
The range hood still needs to be built and we will continue the subway tile on the other side of the kitchen by the open shelving. But it’s hunting season now….and the awesome hubs needs a breakie 🙂
So, Phase 1 seems to (almost) be finished. After a quick break, we’ll get back to it by punching through the staircase wall and updating the stair spindles.
But for now…. new memories need to be had in the white kitchen.
Love, Audra