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LOVE is the new black


If you’re anything like me, the last couple of weeks have been filled with goals and dreams of new years resolutions scribbled on note paper. If you’re not careful, you can “resolute” yourself into an overwhelming state of rocking back and forth in a fetal position whilst determining which resolution you’ll procrastinate with first. (wink)

But after the home goals, the health goals and the family goals, there is one that stands out the most.


And though she be a small word, she be a mighty and powerful one too.

This may seem strange, but I think we do a good job at loving in secret. I love my husband to pieces. I love my precious children. And I love my amazing friends. But sometimes the love I have for them doesn’t transfer to actually loving them. Do I just think and talk about loving them? Or do I follow-through and love them? Do I fill the gas tank when it’s below E? (I am working on that.) Do I turn off the vacuum to have a tea party with my Izzy-girl? Or, here’s a hard one- do I love myself by only allowing positive words to come out of my mouth despite what I see in the mirror or through the media?

My #1 resolution for 2014 is to LOVE…… by actually loving through my actions. I wonder how many of my 36 other resolutions will just naturally fall into place if #1 is conquered?

So, LOVE is the new black in my world. And believe you me, I adore black. I adore that “it-doesn’t-matter-how-fat-you-feel-if-you’re-wearing-black-you-be-a-skinny-fool”. But this year, LOVE is the new must-have.

Try it on, why don’t you?

Love, Audra


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