(Originally posted in 2010)
Almost 12 years ago now, the Lord gave me an assignment. This assignment was too big for me to tackle. So big in fact, that I chose to run from it… until now. The assignment was to become a voice to a generation of young women. To become a voice to those in “dark” places. To help them see the “lovely” through the darkness. This darkness isn’t who we are on the outside, but rather, who we have chosen to be…or been forced to be on the inside. This darkness has been caused by others’ stupid choices… by our own disobedience… by the enemy himself.
As I’ve submitted to this assignment, the Lord has turned my anguish, my hurt, my loss into tears of weeping for OUR GENERATION instead of weeping for just ME. There are women of all ages out there that need hope, that need purpose, that need to see the beauty! So many times in my life I just accepted those dark places and thought there was no way out. I believed the lie that “this is just the life I’ve been dealt so I better get used to it”. Don’t continue to believe this lie! The devil just wants to keep you hidden so you can’t be a light in others’ dark places. It’s time to RISE UP and begin walking as a woman of God… as a daughter of the King… as His bride!
The title of this blog comes from Song of Solomon 1:5, “Dark Am I, Yet Lovely.” I want to send a message that the Lord can make anything beautiful- even from a pile of ashes. But more than that, the Lord wants to reveal to you that even while you are still a heap of ashes, there is beauty to see… you are lovely in His eyes.
So I guess you could say that this was truly written for you. The Lord has so many beautiful gems that He wants to give you. Prepare your heart and mind to receive these gifts from your Maker. For they were sent to you, by Him.
Your sister in Christ,